Our culinary preparations

The durum wheat solution 

A great number of recipes are developed at the Durum Centre for the Bakery, Pastry and Biscuit sector… Tasty, creative and more responsible, they are the result of unwavering investment and an ongoing determination to meet our clients’ needs as well as consumer trends. 

pain au blé dur page remise en oeuvreepi et toque panzani

Find out more

our culinary preparations

Durum Wheat Croissant

French Durum Wheat Baguette

boule blé dur web

Rustic Durum Wheat Boule Loaf

Durum Wheat Ciabatta

Durum wheat sandwich loaf

Plaited durum wheat brioche

Durum wheat milk buns

Durum wheat buns

pizza blé dur web

Durum Wheat Pizza
