anti gaspi

Combating food waste sustainably 

Clients, restaurateurs, collective structures, businesses: we are all involved 

anti gaspiepi et toque panzani
tri anti gaspi

A lever for action against climate change and for purchasing power 

In 2021, 8.8 million tonnes of food waste were produced in France throughout the food chain (SDES, 2023). The catering sector generated 12% of food waste, i.e. 1,804,000 tonnes. 

This is why players in the mass catering sector are compelled to implement an approach in order to combat food waste. To this end, collective restaurants are required to undertake prevention actions against food waste and to publicly display theircommitments in terms of combating waste, to offer donations to organisations and to make the most of products unfit for consumption. 

dons alimentaires

Everyone can do their bit 

The law also encourages the fight against food waste by authorising mass catering and the food industry to donate food. For example, establishments serving more than 3,000 meals a day must sign a donation agreement with one or more organisations. 

As a player in the catering industry, Panzani Solutions works to combat food waste through solidarity initiatives, in particular by ensuring unsold stocks, overstock and end-of-line products are redistributed to its discounting partners and to charities. Through responsible actions such as these, the entire catering industry is striving to become cleaner and more virtuous. 

Find out more

Food waste is economic, social and ecological nonsense. The challenge of reducing food loss and waste is all the more necessary in a context marked by the challenges of climate change. 

Combating food waste requires the commitment of all players in the food chain to bring about large-scale changes in practices. Selecting products when you buy them, storing food, donating… Everyone can do their bit to combat food waste, starting in the kitchen, by adopting anti-waste gestures.