What is the GEM-RCN?
The GEM-RCN (Groupe d’Études des Marchés de Restauration Collective & de Nutrition, or Study Group of Mass Catering Markets and Nutrition) is a document which sets out the technical rules required for the public ordering of foodstuffs.
It sets nutritional targets to be achieved for each meal served. Its role is to guarantee the nutritional quality of meals served in the public sector.
History and birth of the GEM-RCN
Key dates:
2006: A study carried out by AFSSA showed that recommendations on the nutritional quality of menus offered in mass catering establishments were only partially applied. Obesity was shown to be on the rise in France.
2007: The GEM-RCN was created and new, adapted recommendations were published.
2010: The law of 27 July 2010 on the modernisation of agriculture included the GEM-RCN and made it mandatory.
The most recent version of the GEM-RCN dates back to July 2015.