HVE* certification 

For a virtuous, self-sufficient, environmentally-friendly agriculture. 

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What is HVE* 

The term HVE stands for Haute Valeur Environnementale (High Environmental Value). 

This certification, which is regulated by French authorities, applies to farms and can be granted if the whole farm meets strict specifications: 

– Integrating and developing biodiversity in farm management. 

– Designing agricultural production systems to reduce pressure on the environment and reduce inputs. 

With the HVE* certification, farms are able to show their commitment to practices that are more respectful of the environment and biodiversity. 

A growing number of HVE*-certified farms  

As of 1st July 2021, 19,216 farms were certified as “High Environmental Value”, an increase of 134% compared to 2019 (Ministry of Agriculture, 2021). 

And this is set to accelerate, with a government target of 50,000 HVE*-certified farms by 2023 (Ministry of Agriculture, 2021). 

How do you identify products from HVE*-certified farms?  

The logo “Issu d’une exploitation Haute Valeur Environnementale (“Produced in a High Environmental Value farm”) helps consumers identify products whose agricultural raw materials come from these environmentally-friendly farms. 

HVE*-certified products and EGalim law  

The start of 2022 marked the implementation of measures derived from the EGalim law, whose full name is the “law to balance commercial relations between the farming and food sectors and for long term, healthy and accessible food“, and which came into force in 2018. 

These new measures have a major impact on purchases for operators in the mass catering sector. In fact, the EGalim law requires 50% quality, sustainable products, including 20% organic products. 

This obligation can be fulfilled by using products bearing official signs of identification of quality and origin (SIQO), or products with added value labels such as “produced in a High Environmental Value farm” (HVE).